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Dance and Balletstudio Chantal vd Water Photoshoot

They are available! See them all! Enjoy! Wat leuk dat je komt kijken naar de foto’s van Balletstudio Chantal v/d Water! Om het je iets makkelijker te maken zijn alle foto’s gesorteerd in dansstijl en dag zodat je precies weet waar je zoeken moet.Alle foto’s zijn uitsluitend te bestellen als Social Download. Dat wil zeggen een… Read more »

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More Dance

It’s just so great to do something you love so much! How about you? 

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Dance Perfomance Shoot

When the owner of Dance school Friends contacted me with the question if I wanted to shoot their performance at the theater, I already knew I was excited 🙂 Here a little sneakpeek of the results! 

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Musical Beauty and the Beast

Past weekend the musical workshop of Dance Studio Chantal vd Water closed their workshops by presenting the musical Beauty and the Beast. The day was filled  with other great dance performances but only having time to shoot the musical that day and here they are!