Family Portrait
What a wonderful morning! A nice stroll through the woods surrounded by beautiful fog, great company and a rabbit search 😉 Thanks again dear family! –>
When a moment of inspiration hit me I wanted to get busy right away. So one phonecall later saying ‘I got a briljant idea!’ was enough to get me some reinforcements 🙂
Dance and Balletstudio Chantal vd Water Photoshoot
They are available! See them all! Enjoy! Wat leuk dat je komt kijken naar de foto’s van Balletstudio Chantal v/d Water! Om het je iets makkelijker te maken zijn alle foto’s gesorteerd in dansstijl en dag zodat je precies weet waar je zoeken moet.Alle foto’s zijn uitsluitend te bestellen als Social Download. Dat wil zeggen een… Read more »
Dance Perfomance Shoot
When the owner of Dance school Friends contacted me with the question if I wanted to shoot their performance at the theater, I already knew I was excited 🙂 Here a little sneakpeek of the results!
Live Is Good
When you have a minute, enjoy!
Project Y
Dear family posing for Project Y !
Just staring into the distance and wonder away.
Project Y
Already 31 eyes captured! Today ‘brown eyed girl’ Ilse! Thanks Girl!
Good Morning!
When the first lights of the day arrives 🙂 These natural brown tones are the most calming!
Project Y
Another amazing eye of Floor de Laat! Thank you girl!